A gift for history enthusiasts: anniversary book of the museum has been published

Tallinn City Museum’s anniversary book “From a medieval merchant’s house to a museum. Tallinn City Museum 80” has been completed as a gift to the museum and everyone interested in history.

The book, which is dedicated to the museum and its collections, as well as to the building at 17 Vene Street that has been home to the museum for 50 years, its origin story and residents, includes mostly unseen approaches by 25 authors.
In the chapter on the history of the building, art historian Krista Kodres gives a more detailed overview of the construction and architecture of the building at 17 Vene Street. Approaches based on the archives of historians Anu Mänd, Triin Kröönström, Lea Kõiv and Kalmer Mäeorg about the former residents of the building, well-known Tallinn merchants, town hall officials and families of writers bring us closer to the events that have taken place in the building throughout the centuries. Tallinn City Museum’s art historian Risto Paju gives an overview of the renovation of the building to accommodate the museum.
In the chapter on the history of the museum’s collections and sites, architectural historian Sulev Mäeväli talks about the founding of the museum and about searching for the right location. Lea Sillart, head of the collections department at the museum, speaks about the complicated history of preparing the museum’s collections and its connections to the characteristics of the era; the abundant collections of the museum are introduced by the curators.
Three branches of the Tallinn City Museum are covered in more depth – the House of Peter the Great, artillery tower Kiek in de Kök and the Museum of Photography in the old town jail.
The third, most voluminous part of the book is dedicated to the most important items of the museum. Short articles categorised by theme will introduce a selection of collection items. The book includes a synopsis in English and references.

“From a medieval merchant’s house to a museum. Tallinn City Museum 80”.
Compiled and edited by Pia Ehasalu, research director of Tallinn City Museum
Designed by Angelika Schneider
Printed by AS Printon
Includes impressive colourful illustrations, 430 pages.
The book is available at Tallinn City Museum and its sites, price 44 euros.